Lake Okeechobee Hurricane Simulation
In recent decades, loss of life from natural disasters has dropped considerably as we have become better…
In recent decades, loss of life from natural disasters has dropped considerably as we have become better…
Developing a propeller wash model requires specifying the ship and propeller properties as model…
The Water Quality Analysis Simulation Program (WASP) is a dynamic, spatially-resolved, differential mass…
The upcoming release of EEMS10.4 will feature a new tropical cyclone module. This module will allow the user…
Dredging refers to excavating sediments under a water body. The purpose for each dredging operation varies…
Developing a hydrodynamic or a water quality model may require input of boundary conditions from other models…
Kingston Ferry Terminal Propwash Simulation Sediment erosion caused by propeller wash from ships is of considerable…
DSI recently developed a real-time model for Lake Washington, along with a public-access model portal…
Zooplankton population modeling is a significant new feature in the recently released version of …
This post introduces a simple testing process to demonstrate how the propeller wash module works with EFDC+’s sediment transport process modeling features.
Wind-induced waves affect the propagation of gravity waves. Wave modeling hindcast is a critical step for wave energy development and…
Water quality simulation in waterbodies involves the biochemical transformation of the nutrients, their movement through several water layers….
In this post, we would like to demonstrate how the propeller transfers the energy to the water column causing sediment resuspension.
Simulation of the impacts of propeller wash in hydrodynamic and sediment transport models requires detailed information on ship travel routes and the physical characteristics of each ship.
Many urban waterfronts are contaminated with metals, petroleum hydrocarbons, and other organic chemicals. The contamination could be as much as 20 feet…
Sediment resuspension occurs in harbors across the world as a function of propeller-induced water velocities, and resulting shear stress, at the sediment-water interface. While such events occur with….
As part of DSI’s committment to the scientific and modeling community, DSI is now providing a template script that modelers can use to run an HSPF model, process the output, run the EFDC+ model, and plot the output.
Following the release of EEMS10.2, the DSI Team is busy developing exciting new features for the next version of EEMS….
Join Mr. Paul Craig, the chief developer of EFDC+ and EEMS to learn how domain decomposition and MPI can help speed up your EFDC+ model.
EEMS from version 10.2 onwards will include a Shellfish Farm Module. This module incorporates a modeling approach….
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