Implementation of Domain Decomposition in EFDC+ Using MPI
A primary function of EFDC+ is to solve the governing Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) for fluid flow and…
A primary function of EFDC+ is to solve the governing Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) for fluid flow and…
Simulating the effect of floating bridge on salinity in Lake Washington.
DSI has added a new capability to EFDC+ 10.1. This new capability allows the model to simulate partially…
EEMS10 now has the ability to simulate spatially and temporally varying fields, such as a wind or barometric pressure fields.
We are currently working to improve the ice melt formulation in EEMS, a new update for EEMS will be available with this feature later this month!
For sediment transport modeling, EFDC requires a modeler to define particle size classes and specify the median diameter for each class, which can represent the average behavior of the particles…
DSI has developed an improved version of the EFDC code to help deal with pressure gradient errors that occur in simulations that have steep changes in bed elevation….
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