Partial Depth Flow Blocking - Part 1
DSI has added a new capability to EFDC+ 10.1. This new capability allows the model to simulate partially blocked depths due to floating objects (e.g. ships and bridges), baffles, submerged weirs, and/ or other submerged features. The blockages influence flow, constituent, transport, particle tracking and wave action. Two examples demonstrating this new capability will be shown in two parts.
– Part 1: 2D- Tank Salinity Induced Currents with Baffles
– Part 2: 520 Floating Bridge on Lake Washington

2D- Tank Salinity Induced Currents with Baffles
This example is a modification of the classic ocean density current 2D-tank experiment. Here, a 2 meter long by 0.5 meter high tank is intialized with 30 PPT salinity on one side and 0 PPT salinity on the other. As soon as the simulation begins the baroclinic forcing causes rapid redistribution of the salinity. Baffles (shown as heavy black lines) were inserted into the tank, two floating baffles from the surface and one fixed baffle (i.e. a sill) attached to the bottom near the middle of the tank. The animation shows a vertical slice through the salinity redistributes and mixes.