Particle Tracking
EFDC+ has added a robust Lagrangian Particle Tracking (LPT) module that allows you to conduct mixing studies, track releases/discharges, and simulate oil spills. You can simulate any number of particle groups, each with its own properties and any number of particles. The LPT sub-model has two major computational options, one for tracking zero mass particles (traditional particle tracking approach) and another for use in oil spill simulations. LPT is widely used to simulate the movement of pollutants, plastic trash, or biological organisms in the ocean, rivers, and streams.
Particle Tracking Simulations
When using EFDC+ for the simulation of zero mass particles, you have the option of defining the particles as constant at a fixed depth or in fully 3D mode with optional settling/rise. The particle movement can be tied to EFDC+’s horizontal and/or vertical diffusivity coefficient or a user-specified diffusivity coefficient. You also have the ability to add a random walk option to the particle movements. The particles can also move through hydraulic structures.
Oil Spill Modeling
You can also use the LPT sub-model to simulate real or hypothetical oil spills. With this option, EFDC+ allows you to define a total release volume of oil, oil properties such as rise/fall velocities, and loss terms such as evaporation and biodegradation. This powerful sub-model supports the development of emergency response simulations and the analysis of the fate and transport of historical spills.