Challenges with Sea Level Rise
Adapting to rising sea levels and mitigating the impacts of storm surges and associated flooding is a pressing need in coastal areas.
Solutions Provided by EEMS
When formulating policy, administrative institutions use sea level rise forecasts in scenarios analysis which is undertaken with a calibrated EFDC+ model. EE offers powerful graphical and statistical tools for comparing scenarios and helping the user understand the full impacts of the projected sea level rise. Forecasts that are used as input to the EFDC+ hydrodynamic model can be analyzed with time series, horizontal profiles and model vs. model comparisons.
Examples of Studies Done with EEMS
Novato Watershed Hydraulic Study Hydrodynamic Model and Alternatives Development and Modeling
A high resolution curvilinear model of the Novato Creek, including basins/floodplain was developed, with masks to represent the levee system, and multiple weir/overflow sections to simulate levee overtopping. This grid was combined with a coarser domain wide model of the Novato Creek below Hwy 37 and above the tidal mud flats on San Pablo Bay. A suite of practical and self-mitigating alternatives to the flood management system within Novato Creek and its tributaries were modeled. Goals included maintaining and improving the existing level of flood protection, reducing dredging costs and associated impacts, improving the efficiency of flood control operations and maintenance, utilizing and supporting natural processes, and adapting to climate change.