5 Weeks and Counting until the release of EEMS 10.1
The release of EEMS 10.1 is now just five weeks away. Thank you for joining us last week as we showed how using EEMS 10.1 you can create multiple simultaneous model views. This week we will be showcasing a new feature but also a video into the new user interface.
You don’t have to wait until October to start using EEMS 10, this summer we released EEMS 10.0 as beta version. If you are interested in learning more, email our sales team by clicking the link below.
If you missed last week...
Last week we showed how EEMS can generate multiple simultaneous model views, one of our favorite features. Using this feature will allow a EEMS 10.1 user to visualize model results from multiple angles at the same time. If you missed that newsletter click the link below to catch up.
EEMS 10.1 User Interface
EEMS 10 has many different features, yet one of the greatest changes to EEMS 10.1 is the user interface.
Lower St. John’s River during tropical storm Fay, in 2008, in simultaneous plan and vertical slice views.
You may have noticed that we are excited about all the changes happening with EEMS. Over the past 15+ years, we have been working diligently to provide a user-friendly software that provides efficient and technically accurate models to the water modeling community. We are committed to continuing the development of this software with your needs in mind. In order to remain competitive while still retaining the quality that you deserve, we will be raising our prices on EEMS. These new rates will go into effect on 1 October 2019.
If you want to guarantee the current pricing of your license, please click below and our sales team will work with you to verify your license is current.