Model name: TC-13_Pearl_Lake_WQ_Test_Case
Objective: Use EFDC_Explorer (EE) and EFDC+ to replicate the Smith et al. (2014) results for a model of Pearl Lake, Minnesota. The goal is to verify the capacity of EFDC+ to simulate unlimited algal groups in the Water Quality module.
The Smith study assessed the algal community dynamics, water quality, and fish habitat suitability in Pearl Lake, which is an agricultural land-use dominated lake. The model successfully predicted water temperature, dissolved oxygen, as well as captured algal dynamics with four general groups: (1) diatoms, (2) green algae, (3) cyanobacteria, (4) haptophyte (flagellates algae). The EEMS model replicates this behavior but is not yet fully calibrated.
Model grid: 976 horizontal grid cells and 5 vertical layers.