The San Diego Bay is a critically important water body to the San Diego and the Southern California economy. It has numerous industry and urban areas along its length raising interest among researchers, industry and the environmental regulatory community.
San Diego Bay is a natural harbor and deep-water port located in San Diego County, California near the U.S.–Mexico border. The bay, which is 19 km (12 miles) long and 1.6 to 4.8 km (1 to 3 miles) wide, is the third largest of the three large, protected natural bays on California’s entire 1,350 km (840 miles) long coastline after San Francisco Bay and Humboldt Bay (Wikipedia)
This grid contains 10,012 cells, with an average orthogonal deviation of 1.86 degrees. The grid stretches from the Southern coast of the bay to the Pacific Ocean. This grid was built in multiple stages and joined to together to make one complete grid EFDC+ Explorer and Grid+.