EFDC in China
EFDC in China Blog Paul Craig, DSI Chief Consultant, made a presentation looking at the development history of EFDC at the inaugural iSymWater conference
EFDC in China Blog Paul Craig, DSI Chief Consultant, made a presentation looking at the development history of EFDC at the inaugural iSymWater conference
Paul M. Craig and Thomas Mathis will present a paper at the ASCE/EWRI Congress 2019 on “Estuarine Salinity Intrusion…
Paul M. Craig and Thomas Mathis will conduct a workshop at the ASCE/EWRI Congress 2019 on “The EFDC_EXPLORER Modeling…
Early in the morning on March 14, 2019, the 92-year-old Spencer Dam located on the Niobrara River in Nebraska failed due to a combination of ice accumulation and high flows….
We are currently working to improve the ice melt formulation in EEMS, a new update for EEMS will be available with this feature later this month!
In case you are lucky enough to be missing the recent cold snap that has passed the US by, here is some “cool” time-lapse footage of the impact of wind and cold weather on Lake Michigan….
Remember the Red Tide/Algae Bloom crisis that gain wide attention during 2018? It has been the second long-lasting bloom since 2006, although it is not affecting as wide of an area for now,…
The United States is quickly becoming the world’s largest oil producer, a significant component of this increased production capacity is related to an expansion of offshore oil drilling….
While the standard meteorological convention for the wind direction is the compass direction that the wind is coming from…
Sustaining the viability of a maritime recreational and industrial activity depends upon maintaining navigation channels, including depths of approach channels, and berths at marine terminals and marinas…
Submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) are marine, estuarine, and riverine angiosperms, and macrophytes. These are grasses that grow to the surface of shallow water and only emerge from the surface at low tide. They serve vital ecosystem services in the shallow waters by providing refuge for small fish and shellfish from larger predators.
Many major cities have areas which have historically seen significant industrial and manufacturing operations, including oil refineries, fertilizer manufacturing, and coal yards. Untreated storm water, industrial waste…
Industrial practices such as oil refineries and chemical plants commonly leave a long-term legacy of contaminated sediments. Sediment remediation is a costly and challenging undertaking. Design of remediation…
Sustaining the viability of a maritime recreational and industrial activity depends upon maintaining navigation channels, including depths of approach channels, and berths at marine terminals and marinas…
Marine hydrokinetics (MHK) comprises a range of energy technologies for electricity generation from wave and tidal power. MHK installations can require large areas of ocean, which competes with other marine resources and can be detrimental to marine life and habitats. MHKs are often located at the mouths of ecologically-sensitive estuary systems. This can alter the hydrodynamics and salinity of the system and negatively impact animal and plant life.
Environmental regulations require the development and implementation of watershed plans to meet water quality standards and protect water resources. Engineers and regulators working with impaired or threatened waters must undertake watershed planning that considers all stages in the land development process from land use planning through to land development and post occupancy.
Water temperature has significant and systematic effects on biological processes at all levels of organization, from phytoplankton to whole ecosystems. Temperature influences several other parameters and can alter the physical and chemical properties of water such as dissolved oxygen and photosynthesis production. Some organisms, particularly aquatic plants, flourish in warmer temperatures, while some fishes such as trout or salmon prefer colder streams.
Flood extents modeling is typically carried out to determine impacts of a dam break scenario. Often operators also need to determine the significance of their dam releases in relation to impacts from natural flood events.
Assessing the potential for tail-water scour downstream of a dam is a key issue in hydro projects. Dam failure due to poorly designed spillways and forebays can result in significant loss of life and property. Furthermore, dams often withdraw water from the hypolimnion where dissolved oxygen levels are lower, impacting water quality in the tailwater.
Engineers often need to consider a range of layouts for hydropower intake design. The optimal design can depend on a range of factors including the type, number and location of intake structures.
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