Mobile Bay (USA)

Mobile Bay is an inlet of the Gulf of Mexico, lying within the state of Alabama in the United States. The conversion of natural landscapes around the Bay to agricultural or urban use has eliminated the ecosystem services they provided and negatively impacted submerged aquatic vegetation and…

Hangzhou Bay (China)

Hangzhou Bay, or the Bay of Hangzhou is an inlet of the East China Sea, bordered by the province of Zhejiang and the municipality of Shanghai. The Qiantang River flows into the bay. It lies south of Shanghai, and ends at the city of Hangzhou…

Halong Bay (Vietnam)

Hạ Long Bay is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and popular travel destination in Quảng Ninh Province, Vietnam.  It receives significant sediment and pollutant loads from the Bach Dong River and smaller rivers discharging directly into the bay…

Guanabara Bay (Brazil)

Guanabara Bay is one of the busiest estuaries in the world and requires constant monitoring of both hydrodynamic and wave regimes to assist port operations. Moreover, the bay is also heavily industrialized and suffers a number of severe environmental and sanitary issues…

Danube River (EU)

The Danube is Europe’s second-longest river, after the Volga River, and also the longest river in the European Union region. It is located in Central and Eastern Europe. It has numerous industry and urban areas along its length raising interest among researchers, industry and…

Cook Inlet (USA)

Cook Inlet extends from the Gulf of Alaska to Anchorage in south-central Alaska, USA. Parts of Cook Inlet are designated as critical habitat for beluga whales, making this waterbody of interest to researchers and the environmental regulatory community…

Yellow Sea (East Asia)

The Yellow Sea is located between mainland China and the Korean Peninsula. It is regarded as one of the most degraded marine areas on earth and experiences frequent algal blooms. With numerous industry and urban areas along its coastline, as well as nuclear facilities…

Boston Harbor (USA)

Boston Harbor is a natural harbor and estuary of Massachusetts Bay, and is located adjacent to the city of Boston, Massachusetts. Historically it has been heavily polluted and has been to focus of ongoing legal and political controversy making it of concern to researchers and…